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Slut Shaming - The Next Level

If you think slut shaming online or in universities is bad, spare a thought for the women of earlier centuries, Old Testament Times or these days, some places in the Middle East! The Urban Dictionary has several descriptions of what slut shaming is. Simply put: slut shaming is when someone (male or female), is sexually inappropriate by showing off their body and/or having sex with a lot of different people and they are called out on it (ridiculed).

Woman hiding her face.

Obviously over the years what is considered appropriate has changed a lot. There is a story centuries old of a woman who was caught having sex outside of wedlock. She was dragged out into the public with the intention of mob "justice" taking its then usual course of instantly sentencing her to death - by stoning. This was the normal practice for the treatment of adulterers. I can only imagine how women treated in this way would have wanted the earth to open up and swallow them whole! The shame was unparalleled. Having people stare, point and probably shout their disapproval, is horrific.

Stones held in someones hand

These days we have seen the effect that social media can have on peoples reputations and the harm that can be done on relationships with friends, family and the community. The stones these days are in the form of memes, posts, shares or twits but they still cause damage. False stories or even true stories about peoples shortcomings can have lasting consequences.

WWJD - What would Jesus do? The answer is part of the old story referenced above, "He who is without sin cast the first stone." Jesus then also said "Neither do I condemn you" [as He actually had no sin]. Crucially, the next instruction was to "go and sin no more". From this I see that we are to be gracious to those in sin, not shame them or drag their reputation though the mud. Almost all things to do with sex or sexuality are sensationalized and someone can easily be labelled as a slut based on what they say, how they dress or indeed based on reputation. My role and the role of Christians at large is to be the mouth piece of Jesus in our world right now. Don't victimize people, instead stop bullying wherever you find it. Then turn the target of the attacks to a God who wants us to come as we are but became the best He created us to be.

John 8: 10 - 11

Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”

“No one, sir,” she said.

“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

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