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Christian Fathers

Why write about fathers on a womens blog? Easy answer; God intended for families to be together. A mother and father both have essential roles to play in the development of a child. Both parents must be submitted to the leadership of Christ to be able to "train a child in the way he should go"[Proverbs 22:6]. Exodus 20:12 is a reflection of this "Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you." There is definite significance placed on the family unit by God.

P4CM have done a series on fathers recently. This particular video is on the "Role of a Father". Christian insights from Christian men about being fathers today.

1. Living a faith based life. Being Christ-like in everyday life. Jesus is described as the servant-leader. He actually led by doing what He requires us to do. It's a tough concept to follow and requires the help of the Holy Spirit.

2. Being an example. Showing how a man should treat his wife, his children, how to relate with one another across gender lines and in general. Being selfless is key. Dying to self for the sake of your family is a Jesus modelled concept. The panel discuss this and reference the scripture that God intends that a man should love his wife as Jesus loved the church. [Ephesians 2:25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her ]

3. Expectations of a wife (or mother) about the father of her child. This part here is subjective. How this looks like in a family varies from quality time, acts of service, gifts, affection or words of encouragement. This list can be exhaustive and every family should discuss their needs and work at reducing un-fulfillment.

4. What is the outcome a Christian father wants for their child? Top of that list should be to have Jesus. Aside from that of course every parent wants their child to be the best they are able to be, to be responsible and capable.

We should always look to Christ the author and finisher of our faith for all guidance and wisdom. Family is His idea, His is the best layout on how it should work.

It also doesn't hurt to learn from those who are Christian fathers about the practicalities of being a Godly father today.

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