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Christian Women Praying - Step One

In 2017 I have been compelled to pray more. It's from a realization that I need God in order not to go crazy, I need God to breathe, I need more strength than I can motivate myself to have. I also need wisdom and understanding for this next phase of my life.

The Power of A Praying Wife by Stormie Ormartian was recommended to me and as soon as I could afford it, I got a copy. The first chapter challenged me to not just pray for my husband but to be right with God first. I think this is a very accurate approach to prayer. To have a realization that God must be given permission and welcomed in my life to show me where my attitude must be more Godly is imperative. I also saw very clearly that I am not the only woman who finds it easier to blame someone else before first being introspective. My heart must first be yielded to God and his plan. My expectations also need to be adjusted. In one passage the author says "Your greatest expectations must be from God, not your husband." The same can be said of anyone or anything else. Expect the most from God, He always comes through.

Prayers That Avail Much by Germaine Copeland also begins with Personal Confessions. The aim, I believe is the same, to get our hearts right with God. It is from such a platform that when we "boldly approach the throne of grace". We sort out the logs before seeking help concerning the specks of others though those specks sometimes can seem like trees.

STEP ONE. Is to just do it. Don't put off praying. Pray about the little things, pray for a minute, pray while commuting, pray before you eat, pray before you go to sleep. Don't just wait for the time you will be able to set an hour aside or when you go to church.

When you pray, pray to hear God more clearly, pray for guidance, pray for forgiveness for shortcomings and sins, then everything else. Always remembering to be thankful for as many things as you can remember.

The Lord is My Shepherd - Bible Image

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