Christianity Today - Where is our Focus?
Do you share your faith deliberately? Are you going out into all the world to preach the gospel? Am I too concerned about what people think about my beliefs? Does my conduct and lifestyle demonstrate my faith?
"Go out into all the world and preach the gospel (the good news)" Jesus instructed the disciples in Matthew 28:19-20. That call still rings out across the decades. After all, a thousand years is like a day to the Lord [2 Peter 3:8b]. We are still to talk about the greatness of God and the amazing work of Jesus. We are to assert that we need to be rescued from our default setting of selfish conduct and wrong living. The Christian word to describe this is sin. Ever wonder why a child needs to be taught to share, needs to be instructed to tell the truth, to not lash out in anger? That is our default setting. To essentially do wrong. We need to be guided into another way. This illustration of a child is actually apt because God is best described as a father who knows better and is is keen to train His children to do what is right. As His children grow, they teach and remind their siblings that the Father knows what is good for us. He loves us enough to want us to do what is right. His intentions are for us to have the best life. HIS standards of what is best are far above what we are able to comprehend with our limited knowledge of time, the universe and even ourselves.

As a challenge place the word "Christianity " in any search engine of your choice and see what others think of us or what we say about ourselves to the rest of the world. You will find a number of responses, most not exactly from Christian resources. It is okay that news networks can define Christianity but surely Christian resources should dominate definitions on who we are and what we believe.
"Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called,"
Ephesians 4:1 [NASB]
This statement by Paul is wide reaching. I submit today that the first step in walking worthy is to tell others about that call. Remind those who already believe. Speak your faith in Jesus to challenge the status quo and to encourage everyone to look to God as their source. Their source of answers, their source of a life worth living.
This is a reminder to myself and to anyone who will bother to read and be convinced or even just be curious. There is a God who loves us enough to not leave us to our own devices. Just give Him a chance to show you who He is and who you are meant to be.