Single And Loving It
Dancing in the rain, singing in the sunshine. It's great to enjoy life and infinitely important. I'm not just talking about happiness which is very fickle. Instead I'm referring to being delighted with life. I'm talking about not allowing different forces to succeed which want to dictate what should make you happy!

This Pinterest prints queen is a depiction of the sort of attitude I'm referring to. Her body language seems to tell me that at the very least she is confident and she knows she looks good.
Whether married or single, we should be assured that being with someone should not define us. It should complement us.
P4CM is a ministry I have followed for years. They have poetry as their main thing, which I love and they also started panel discussions called The Conversation. Below is their recent post about how a lot of us women place too high a priority on relationships in general. It's a diverse chat on the subject. Hope you can check it out. It's good :)
Contentment is important at every stage in life. Paul puts it this way:
"I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do all things through Christ, who gives me strength."
Philippians 4: 12-13 [NLT]
So, whether single, complicated, engaged, married, divorced or widowed, let's not allow life or other people to stop us from love. Loving God, loving others, loving life.
After all, God wants us to live an abundant life! Not just when we are married but always.
So if you happen to be single, make sure to set those