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"Love Life"

Love is one of those words bounded about though it has titanic effects especially on us as women. So aside from the fact that we can get smarter about how to identify true love and we can also get better at being great at showing love, how do we deal with those who mindlessly use the word? Sometimes to devastating effect.

I just watched a video on the power of sharing our stories while they're being written. It's truth. I used to journal on a regular basis and through the years, I never liked the term "love life". Shouldn't we walk in love always? Especially when I was younger, not every relationship was about love necessarily. I now confirm that I don't recommend relationships just for the sake of having a relationship. Sharing your time, emotions, your body, resources, etc has an impact on every aspect of our lives.

Heart-shaped bowls of colourful fruit

Whether we believe that someone loves us or not, things change when they utter those words. A great rule of thumb to gauge what someone really means when they say they love you is to compare them to the greatest standard of love known to humanity - God, through Jesus.

a. Does this person want what is best for you or what's best for themselves?

b. Do you share the same value standards?

c. Are your plans compatible?

d. Is there mutual respect?

Whether it is friendship, family, dating, a relationship or marriage, these key questions help keep clarity on love.

They are also very important to assess how we treat those we love (or say we love). Do I want what's best for ____, do we even measure love in the same way, do I care what the other person wants to achieve in their life? Does their opinion matter to me? All these are different ways of posing the same questions.

The auther of love gives us a choice to love Him or not. To chose Him or not, to serve Him or not. With all of His splendor He still gives us free will. How do we love? How do we expect to be loved? How does our life look with regards to love?

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