Our expectations can greatly shape how we experience life. Our expectations are closely linked with our attitudes. I encourage you expect...

A Christmas Story - Elizabeth
Christmas is definitely about Jesus. It is CHRIST-mas, forget about the commercialization or those who what to separate Christianity from...

Forever Young
Our obsession with youth isn't limited to anti-aging creams, botox or face lifts. It's in the subtleties of how we choose to dress, how...

New Woke Christian - Preston Perry
This is a poem about social awareness and what it means as a Christian. It's not just about knowing what is happening in the world but...

Valentines Day Message!
Simple: Everyday is a day to show love. Don't sweat the title whether you do something or not. Whether you observe Valentines Day or not....

VANITY - Are You Afraid To Be Unconventional?
Are you a cookie cutter girl? Would you like to be one? We see a lot of similarities in how people choose to look these days,...

Does Feminism Have Any Place in Christianity?
Before anything else, I am a Christian first. How about Feminism? Well, I decided to research this topic and not just base this on my...

Wonderfully Complex
Are women complicated? Is this a negative thing? We explore the subject a little more.

"Love Life"
Love is one of those words bounded about though it has titanic effects especially on us as women. So aside from the fact that we can get...

Sex, Love and Rock 'n' Roll
Okay, there won't be much on rock 'n' roll. This is my disclaimer from the outset. This is about sex and love mainly. I just liked the...