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VANITY - Are You Afraid To Be Unconventional?

Are you a cookie cutter girl?

Would you like to be one?

We see a lot of similarities in how people choose to look these days, particularly women. Similarities in how they portray themselves on social media, how they want to style themselves even in what they discuss - their is nothing wrong with commenting on what is trending but are your comments your own? Are you caring enough to dig deep and brave enough to voice your real opinions? Not simply re-tweeting, bucking trends and regurgitating political correctness?

Do you want to portray yourself a certain way because that's the most healthy way you can be spiritually, emotionally, physically... or because it's the "hot" new thing?

Of course not everyone is following the look that reality "stars", many musicians and social media personalities are following. You know the contoured face, nude lipstick or

lip-gloss, a pop of colour sometimes, extensions - for your hair and eye lashes. That's just their faces, not to mention the hour glass figure with the seemingly augmented curves.

Now, I'm not against make-up or accentuating your best features (non-surgically). I respect self expression and the need for women to choose how to present themselves to the world.

I believe every woman wants to feel and look her best. This article is more about the motives behind our actions.

Christians particularly have a higher standard to uphold. Our accountability is to God first and also to each other. [Rom 14:15 And if another believer is distressed by what you eat, you are not acting in love if you eat it. Don’t let your eating ruin someone for whom Christ died.] This whole passage speaks not only about food but observing days and drinking wine as well. The moral is when we care about others we won't do things that cause them to stumble in their faith. That applies to other areas of our lives like how we dress. Are our motives pure when we get ready for an occasion or take a selfie? Is being provocative in our fashion style benefital in Gods sight?

Are we too preoccupied with how things look and how we are perceived?

Strength and dignity are her clothing and her position is strong and secure; And she smiles at the future [knowing that she and her family are prepared].

Proverbs 31:25 (AMP)

Isn't it funny that now being unconventional is being modest? There are very few videos on YouTube about how to be fashionable and modest. Christian ladies, we are to remember whom we represent - Christ. Christ who called ALL people to a higher standard of Godliness. To not just deal with our behaviour but with our hearts - with the reasons for our actions.

I also want the women to dress modestly, with decency and propriety...

1 Timothy 2:9

We can be individual, stylish, God-loving women who don't show too much skin, who don't feverishly go for something because it's in fashion, who don't hurt themselves to look a certain way. I need to continuously work on not lusting after things. We can all be better at not being vain.

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