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New Year, Better You?

Resolutions or not, we all need to be better at something. Work, relationships, taking care of our health, listening, being more assertive or even being more polite. Here are 4 simple 'R's to help you improve any area of your life:

Reflect. This just isn't concerning the last year but can be much longer depending on what you would like to change. Psychologists advise that acceptance is the "first step". We need to assess which areas in our lives need improvement. This takes as much objectivity as we can muster.

Research. What can be done about this situation? The internet is a great resource when used properly. If there is anything you want to get done, looking into How to do it, What to do and not to do can be the difference between success and failure. The great thing with the internet is that you can listen, read or watch the information.

Refresh. There is no better time than the present to start doing something positive or re-start doing something that you haven't completed. Having looked at what needs to be done, having gathered your key information, then do something! Sign up for that course, begin to jog, set aside a slot in your diary for some quality time with your spouse/friends/family. The refresh stage is the action stage. "Just do it".

Woman taking off running from the blocks.

Refocus. Shift your perspective from where you are to what you must do to get there. Make meaningful changes that affect your lifestyle not just "quick fixes". It can be even more successful if you find someone or other people who want to achieve the same goals. There is a higher chance to succeed when you have a support system.

Well all of this means nothing unless you DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES. Starting now.

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