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Mary Had a Little Lamb...

"Did you hear what's trending? There are whispers of scandal."

"What?! Who?"

"Mary. Apparently she is pregnant!" *giggle*

"Isn't she engaged? Not yet married? You know these so called good girls..."

His fleece was white as snow but it is Mary who was to follow him.

Mary is a central woman in the Bible if ever there was such a title, she's it.

Picture meeting an angel and hearing the most unexpected thing about your future and knowing your life would be forever changed. History altered by your accepting this challenge. Mary was a brave, young woman because at the time, having a child out of wedlock was comparable to stating you had sex before you were married - a huge no-no in that society, in those times.

Despite the customized nature of the task presented to her, Mary said "yes" to the plan God had for her. A plan delivered to her in person - by an angel for that matter. I imagine, it would have been difficult to do anything but accept! She must later have also known that it would be a huge scandal if it was known that she was pregnant. Especially because her marriage to Joseph had not yet happened. Joseph! How would he react to all of this? Would he think it was an elaborate lie?!

Young woman in a butterfly costme

I was hesitant to write about Mary because almost everyone has heard something about her. How can I give my perspective on someone so many have an opinion on? Would it be unique enough?

I will skip past the ALL IMPORTANT birth of our saviour Jesus and forward to the fact that though this was truly a miracle for a virgin to have a child - that wasn't where the story of Mary ended...

We see her when her son gets lost. She is worried as any mother would be. Frantic even when he is missing for days. Yet her unusual son seems perplexed at this. She is again looking for him years later when he is an adult and has siblings. He is still "about His Fathers business". She is devastated when she stares up at her son who is subjected to a public execution though he has done nothing wrong and is nailed to a cross. Yet, her sorrow is turned to rejoicing no doubt when her one of a kind son returns from literal death. He returns to spread a message of hope of a different life and destiny with our Creator and Father - God. A way to have a relationship with God like humanity (or #peoplekind LOL) had never before known.

Mary was amongst the Believers waiting for the Holy Spirit. Her life was truly forever transformed. It started with accepting Gods plan for her life instead of her own plans. Plans she must have made for a home, a husband, a family. Plans that paled and were insignificant compared to Gods amazing bigger picture.

Scripture References:

Luke chapter 1, Luke chapter 2, Matthew 12:46 - 50, John 19:25-27, Acts 1:14

Are we limiting God today because we think we have a great plan for our lives? Ask yourself the question I ask myself "am I saying yes to God enough to truly transform my life?"

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