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I find it interesting that the church isn't usually very good at talking about sex and sex related matters. We have definitely made strides in the right direction in general. Particularly having to discuss homosexuality and abortion. My Pastor is direct concerning the biblical standards on affairs, sexual activity and sexuality. He doesn't just have a sermon once in a while that addresses these matters either. They are weaved into various topics as a part of regular life challenges that Christians and non-Christians alike face.

Now promiscuity is a label which is used to taint the image of someone. A downside to the proliferation of political correctness and to an extent feminism as well, is the attitude that anything should be acceptable to anyone (or to be precise, most things should be acceptable). I don't agree with this sentiment. Gods word is clear that when something is wrong, we are to do something to correct the situation. I believe the encouragement Paul gave of helping one another in times of weakness. In Galatians 6:1-2. We help those who are struggling while not falling into sin ourselves.

Ever heard of Gomer? She was a promiscuous woman by all accounts. She was a prostitute first then got married then... well, let's look into it.


Name - Gomer

Occupation - Wife, mother, prostitute

Reference - Hosea chapters 1 to 3.

The bottom line was like Rahab before her and many others after her, we need grace. Lots and lots of grace towards each other and from God. Grace to allow us to live a better way and to be able to boldly approach the throne of God knowing that our wrongs are not held against us and we can live a new life. A more dignified existence. IF WE CHOSE TO! You see even with the story of Gomer, there were choices to be made.

What does promiscuity look like?

God instructed Hosea to illustrate His relationship with humanity; it is one of betrayal, drama and yet also love, forgiveness and touching reconciliation. “Go, marry a promiscuous woman and have children with her, for like an adulterous wife this land is guilty of unfaithfulness to the Lord.” - Hosea had his instructions (recorded in Hosea 1:2) and we see that he chooses Gomer. He goes on to have three children with her and then it appears she goes off to "look for her lovers" but there is no real satisfaction to be had in the world. No satisfaction that lasts long enough. In the end, to be truly gratified we need more than we can acquire on our own. We need a consistent love who knows us, flaws and all but loves us. Like in a similar tale, we see that God sees things rather differently to how we do sometimes. Check out this previous post: and other stories about women by clicking the tab "Women of the Bible".

Chapters 2 and 14 are how God relates to us. “In that day,” declares the Lord, “you will call me ‘my husband’; you will no longer call me ‘my master.’ - Hosea 2:16. He goes on to speak of tenderness and ... "I will betroth you to me forever; I will betroth you in righteousness and justice, in love and compassion. I will betroth you in faithfulness, and you will acknowledge the Lord." - Hosea 2:19 - 20.

Hosea 14:2 - "Take words with you and return to the Lord.Say to him: “Forgive all our sins and receive us graciously, that we may offer the fruit of our lips." His response will be like in 14:4 "“I will heal their waywardness and love them freely, for my anger has turned away from them."

BOTTOM LINE: Our actions can be likened to adultery but Gods response is a call for us to admit our wrong, decide to accept His love and be with Him forever. A love story? No a true story. No matter what we have done, we can do different.

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