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Christian Women in Leadership?

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We all know of the "women should not speak in the church" scriptural reference right? Where is it? How do we 21st century women relate and interpret this? One view is outlined below:

"Let a woman learn in quietness, in entire submissiveness. I allow no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to remain in quietness and keep silence [in religious assemblies]." 1 Timothy 2:11-12 (AMP)

"Women should be silent during the church meetings. It is not proper for them to speak. They should be submissive just as the law says." 1 Corinthians 14:34 (NLT)

Two scriptures essentially saying the same [worrying] thing. The passage in Corinthians refers to the law. If you are studying this subject you will be referred to Genesis 3:16 which is the conversation God had with Adam and Eve, particularly when he referred to Eves desire being for her husband but he would rule over her.

My views;

  • first of all it is the husband who would rule over his wife. Not necessarily all men to rule over all women. Though granted there were few examples of women taking up positions of leadership overall in those times. Is it truly shocking when you consider the fact that for the vast majority of history, most of the world has been patriarchal?

It is cultural. The hierarchy was just the way things had been.

  • this reminds me of 1 Cor. 7: 6-7 where while writing about marriage, Paul states that he would prefer that everyone was single as he is. Aside from it being a cultural norm, it was also a preference. In this example, Paul actually stated that it was his preference. "I allow no woman..." Would it be unreasonable to say that Paul and most people of his time would also prefer that women stay silent in general?

  • God uses people who He chooses and that doesn't always fit into what is contemporary or expected. Cases in point; Jesus choosing trades people like fishermen, a tax collector, etc. When there were already culturally expected, even acceptable group of people - the pharisees and sadducees. Jesus healing the child of the Canaanite woman when he told her he was here for the Israelites only, speaking to the Samaritan woman (even the disciples were surprised! LOL. Not for the first time either) and esteeming children, all against the grain in those times for Israelites.

  • And of course there are women in the Bible that God used when it was more usual for men to be the vessels. We'll definitely explore these instances.

Just a few thoughts on this matter. I don't have all the answers, just what I know about Gods character and some things I see in scripture. I am open to other points of view, though this is mine.

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