An Ideal..."The Proverbs 31 Woman"
There are many reasons I have avoided writing about "The Proverbs 31 woman" thus far. One reason is because she is a bit of a cliché in...

Keeping The Main Thing, The Main Thing
PRIORITIES. They matter more than we know. They dominate our thinking and steer our lives in certain directions. They are more than what...

Does Feminism Have Any Place in Christianity?
Before anything else, I am a Christian first. How about Feminism? Well, I decided to research this topic and not just base this on my...

Christian Leadership With Women
I like the word 'with' because it is inclusive. We're going to see a small hand full of women who were involved in the early church....

Female Superhero - Deborah.
Fact File: Name - Deborah Record/s - Judges chapters 4 - 5 Occupation - Wife, Prophet, Judge (a.k.a. Boss) Key...

Christian Women in Leadership?
We all know of the "women should not speak in the church" scriptural reference right? Where is it? How do we 21st century women relate...