Keeping The Main Thing, The Main Thing
PRIORITIES. They matter more than we know. They dominate our thinking and steer our lives in certain directions. They are more than what we say or how we'd like to be viewed. They are a state of mind and a summation of our actions.
How do I fair in this? Variably like most people. I'm an optimist though and know that there is always room for improvement. Here are some suggestions on how keeping the right priorities can be achieved:
1. Passion. Without liking what you are trying to prioritize you are simply wasting time because sooner or later you will fall back into old habits. Passion for something or someone will keep us going even in the tough times. Whether it's serving at church or quality time with your spouse, chose something that you enjoy and you will find it easier to keep it a top priority!

2. Planning. Some write things down, others have "vision boards" or use technology to help them research things. Whatever your style, ensure that you know your objective and chart a strategy to achieve your objective. For example you may need to save a fixed amount of money towards a certain project. It's advisable to break this down into small amounts every month and probably open an account dedicated for it. The use of a checklist ensures that you stay on top of everything that needs to be done. You can even include deadlines for each point.
3. Accountability. If for whatever reason, you can't find someone to hold you accountable for your resolve, DIY - Do It Yourself. How? By keeping a record of your goals, checking on them every 3 months or twice a year or even annually depending on what they goal is. Someone else is better in terms or holding you accountable though. Empower that person to push you whenever needed for the best results.
Whether it's relationships, your Christianity, health goals, saving money, whatever it may be these tips will help you and I keep our eyes on the prize.
Now don't just seat there, do something about it!