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Female Superhero - Deborah.

Fact File:

Name - Deborah

Record/s - Judges chapters 4 - 5

Occupation - Wife, Prophet, Judge (a.k.a. Boss)

Key Truth/s - God works through whomever he chooses. Work for God and He will work through you.

Now, Debbie is a great heroine of mine. She is always my go-to woman when I think of leaders who also happen to be women who are documented in the bible. Her story is also different because she is known for what she did and who she was as opposed to only who she is related to (i.e. wife of... or mother of...). Though chapters 4 & 5 relate to Deborah, the parts that focus on her are Judges 4, verses 4 - 14.

We see in Judges 2:16 - 19 that God used judges at that time to rescue the Israelites from their enemies and help them keep Godly lifestyles. God chose a judge and was with that judge throughout their lifetime. Lesson one: God chose Deborah.

In chapter 4 verses 4 & 5 we see that not only was Debbie a judge but she was also a prophet. We also see her doing what God had chosen her to do; judge His chosen people and later in verses 6 to 7, speak what God asked her to say. Lesson two: when you serve God, you show a willingness to be used by God in His plans for humanity. God is then able to trust you with more responsibility when the opportunities arise.

Then we see an opportunity arising. Without this battle, Deborah might have just been a few verses in the bible. I might not have been writing about her now. Judges ruled in accordance with the law God gave Moses. Deborah knew Gods Word. She followed Gods ways otherwise she wouldn't have remained in this position (as a judge and prophet). Gods spirit was with her definitely but she did her part too. I hope that everyone reading this, will get to be counted by God as someone who did their part when God works!

We see Deb going with the warriors (verses 8 - 14). There is no mention of whether she fought with them but it certainly took courage to go to the battlefield. It took courage to do the tough thing and follow through to see Gods will come to pass. How do we know Gods will? It's in His written Word (the Bible) and it's in His spoken Word (which doesn't go against His written Word).

I pray that we would serve in Gods kingdom and as we do, we will change peoples lives towards Gods will. Trust in God, rely on the Holy Spirit, do your part.

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