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Gender Complexities?

I came across a panel discussion on whether transwomen are women... It was on a channel I used to subscribe to on YouTube. It was good to challenge thinking on what constitutes being male or female. I made my views known in the comments section. It was also interesting reading other peoples views.

Symbols for male and female

Some of the options I liked were challenges on what constitutes gender. One observer stated that these days gender has been reduced not only to feelings but also to body parts. Being a woman isn't about a preference for certain type of clothes nor is it about having boobs, butt and virgina. Our experiences with the changes our bodies naturally go through, the emotions we grapple with at times, the knowledge we have that we are designed to incubate and nurse a child, even how we are treated in comparison to men all over the globe. All these things and more are part of what makes us women.

I understand that there is the view that if someone feels that they were born in the wrong body, that in itself is a valid point. I won't comment directly to that. Instead I will say, in such a case what is wrong with adding the prefix "trans"? It is descriptive and if anything, any stigmas associated with being trans are what should be addressed. Regarding the term cis (to mean same. That is to say, those who identify as a particular gender and were also born that gender e.g. a woman who was born a girl) to that prefix I say, there is no need for it because we are already women, we were "born this way", there isn't a need to explain further, I think.

We are women.

Now, Jesus. I would love to have His views on this matter. Personally, I think gender reassignment probably breaks His heart. I can't help but think of Genesis 1:27-31 where God saw what He had made, people - male and female and said it was good. I don't know how it is that humanity has found itself in this dilemma. God has made us, when we feel wrong as His creation, shouldn't we look to the manufacturer? You know, the one who said "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mothers womb" [Psalms 139:13, N.L.T.]. Talk about attention to details. God's got it! Having said all this, God is Love. He loves us and is always ready to receive us when we turn to Him.

"Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8, N.I.V.

This is an attempt to tackle a sensitive and truly complex matter. There are clearly many matters to consider when looking at gender identity and this is by no means exhaustive.

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