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Confidence. Is It About Self Help?

The quick answer to the question is YES! There is much to be said about those who identify their insecurities and actively work to resolve them.This isn't a quick process by any stretch of the imagination however, the most important step is the first step which is recognizing that something needs to be done.

Prayer is an essential part of our lives. I will be focusing on this in the next blog. Suffice to state now that we must pray for us to see ourselves the way God sees us. A Father who is willing to put His son through the pain of rejection and physical harm because He loves us, must think we are worth the sacrifice. Pray to have a revelation of this truth.You are worthy of love, worth spending time on and valuable inherently. This is a strong foundation on which to build your confidence.

Self image and confidence are inseparable. Ever watched a show on cosmetic surgery and wondered why someone would put themselves through so much just to look different (not to be different but simply seem different)? Again there is much to be said about how women in particular are objectified and how we have now internalized that fact and actually work hard to be a certain dress size, have a certain skin tone, the "right" hair, make-up, accessories! These things are certainly not bad in and of themselves but why give up your happiness, time and money obsessing over them?

We must remember that though how we appear is important, it isn't worth "catching grief" over. When we know our worth, we then need to demonstrate it. Let's face it, there are people who take advantage of the insecurities of others for their own gain. It is to avoid such people or manage them, that we must show we are confident. How we carry ourselves, what we say - especially the ability to say 'No' and what we allow to happen to us; are all reflections of our confidence.

Scripture references:

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16 [ESV]

Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.

Psalms 139:14 [NLT]

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