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Prayer and Healing

I had my first operation this last weekend and it has been a life changing experience in many ways. It has also been a great workout of my faith. I believe in healing and I also believe that when the Bible discusses wisdom and understanding it means that we should do what God has given us understanding to do - in this case consult a registered and competent physician.

We all know the story of the woman with the issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-22). She had been sick for years and gone to many doctors and tried many things to get well. She heard about Jesus and turned to him when all else had failed. I don't think that she had less faith than those who encountered Jesus earlier in their illnesses or that the money used for the medicines was wasted.

a woman with a gland of flowers around her head on a canoe

Instead, I believe that God in His wisdom has given humanity the ability to understand certain conditions and manage health and other aspects of life. It's our duty to have wisdom and apply understanding in our lives. We are also called to have faith in God. That includes trusting him for healing. So we do what we must do like exercise, eat healthy, go to the doctor when needed and we also pray and trust God for healing and understanding knowing that;

1. Healing is the "children's bread" -

what God provides for us and we are entitled to. Matthew 15:21-28

2. God heals all of our diseases - Psalms 103:3

3. He wants us to have an abundant life. John 10:10.

4. We will see Gods goodness while we are in the "land of the living" Psalms 27:13

5. Jesus healed us when he was crucified - 1 Peter 2:24

Join me in praying according to His will on this subject:

Father, thank you for your love. Thank you that you are supreme and that your word is truth.

Thank you for being the giver of life. Thank you that Jesus paid the price for my salvation and also my healing.

Thank you that you want me to be whole and have a full life.

I trust your word that says that you heal all my diseases. Heal me now in Jesus name.

Touch what I know needs to be restored and anything else that concerns my body and my life.

Thank you for your healing however it may come.

Give me wisdom to care for this body you have entrusted to me.

I commit myself to you Lord; mind, body and spirit.

In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

Download and print prayer

A downloadable version of the prayer is also available.

Pray it as often as you need. Even more often if you need healing - several times a day if possible. Meditate on the scriptures and find many more that address healing by faith in God through Jesus and watch God do it!

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