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Women Going After What We Need

This is a different perspective on the "Woman With The Issue of Blood". The woman without a name but with a famous story in Christian circles. Have you heard Christian women being encouraged to "wait on God" as if it were a passive process of trust and just seeing what happens?

Well this is my challenge for us to think again when it comes to that sort of advice!

In the linked previous post, we had a glimpse of this woman. She got what she wanted - what she needed, but do we realize that she literally interrupted Jesus in order to get healed? Jesus had just made plans. In fact this will be a story of two "women" in the Bible. Well, one woman, one girl.

It all began when Jesus was approached by a man named Jairus who spoke to him about going to see a sick young girl, his daughter. They were heading to Jairus home when a woman who was sick of being sick and tired decided to do something about her situation. In fact, she had been trying to do something about her aliment for 12 years! She had literally seen countless doctors and still she suffered with a continuous flow of blood. There is no doubt in my mind, she was tired but that didn't stop her. There is no doubt she did not speak to Jesus before she got her healing. She barely wanted to speak up after. She was probably intimidated by the crowd. Maybe even by Jesus Himself. It was probably His reputation for healing which led to her knowing He was the only one who could help her. The only one who could give her the relief she desperately needed. THAT thought of relief after all these years searching for a better life, spending "all she had" to try to buy the best treatments available, finally living a normal life - after all these years. She became single minded and pushed through the crowd. They would not stand in the way of her destiny to be well, they would not stop her from being well at last, she would not miss this opportunity. She just made contact with his clothing. Not Jesus Himself but His clothing and instant relief was finally hers.

This was incredible. Women at that time, were very much second class citizens but this woman stands as an example of how God responds to our faith. Whether we are women or men, young or old, poor, wealthy or however, we are described, Jesus turns to us and says our faith makes us well! He says rejoice! He doesn't expect us to be silent and accept our circumstances, just wait or to "see what happens". Luke 8:40-56 gives a detailed account of this occurrance.

Oh, the girl! All this led to what seemed to be a delay in proceedings. So much so that Jairus was asked not to trouble the Teacher (Jesus) because the girl had died but that wasn't the end of the story. Even when things seem dead in our lives, we simply need for God to intervene. Easier said? Well, let our nameless heroine be an example of how we should focus on the goal - to be well (in every sense of the word). Let this nameless woman leave the sort of impression that even knowing her name would not have left - internalize her determination and focus on Jesus and let's do that instead of worrying. Let's take it all to God in prayer!

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