Single Girl Files - Avoiding Mr. Wrong
#ChristianGirl Book Club! This is a great read for every Christian woman. It's called Avoiding Mr. Wrong its awesome! It starts out with...

Working Mums
Everyone talks about the joys of being a mother. We all know that mothers are awesome. How awesome? Let's take a look at what it takes to...

Slut Shaming - The Next Level
If you think slut shaming online or in universities is bad, spare a thought for the women of earlier centuries, Old Testament Times or...

First Christian Novel - A Thousand Tomorrows
Our book review is on A Thousand Tomorrows by Karen Kingbury. I couldn't put it down! No word of a lie. I actually had it on my bookshelf...

Gender Complexities?
I came across a panel discussion on whether transwomen are women... It was on a channel I used to subscribe to on YouTube. It was good to...

Rahab of Jericho - A Long Way from Jesus?
A life of redemption. An example of faith which leaves a legacy. Rahabs life story begins with a description of her as a prostitute. What...

Natural Hair Dairy: Protective Style Challenge
Protective styling is quite divisive in the natural hair community. Some say it isn't essential for length retention, others swear by it....

Single And Loving It
Dancing in the rain, singing in the sunshine. It's great to enjoy life and infinitely important. I'm not just talking about happiness...

Female Superhero - Deborah.
Fact File: Name - Deborah Record/s - Judges chapters 4 - 5 Occupation - Wife, Prophet, Judge (a.k.a. Boss) Key...

Christian Women in Leadership?
We all know of the "women should not speak in the church" scriptural reference right? Where is it? How do we 21st century women relate...