THE Outburst!
We try too hard to be nice. We try too hard to be "normal" to put on a brave face or be polite or spare people from our true thoughts...

New Year, Better You?
Resolutions or not, we all need to be better at something. Work, relationships, taking care of our health, listening, being more...

Wonderfully Complex
Are women complicated? Is this a negative thing? We explore the subject a little more.

LIVING Your Life - Thanksgiving
We've all had those days when you hear something or see something that makes you look at your life and be thankful. It doesn't have to be...

"Love Life"
Love is one of those words bounded about though it has titanic effects especially on us as women. So aside from the fact that we can get...

5 Tips for a Young Christian Marriage
Whether you are single and planning for the future, in a long term relationship, engaged or have been married for a couple of years,...

Sex, Love and Rock 'n' Roll
Okay, there won't be much on rock 'n' roll. This is my disclaimer from the outset. This is about sex and love mainly. I just liked the...

Striking A Balance Today
Christian, Feminist, Black, White, Affluent, Young, Old... the list of boxes used to identify go on. This Blog is written from a...